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Next-Gen hardware?

A much heard question is: "Will Parallax use next-gen hardware, such as moonsound, gfx 9000, ... ?"

Note: these opinions might change in the near future, as Parallax is experimenting with a Moonsound cartridge at this very moment!

At the moment we have no concrete plans for doing so. We will continue to push the MSX2/+/turbo-R to their limits as they are. There's enough to be achieved there to keep us occupied.

In the Next-Gen Hardware region we see: Moonsound, graphics 90 billion (or was it 9000? I always forget), andsoforth.

Akin screenshot The naive argument against using this hardware is: there aren't enough users to make it worthwile. The MSX market is underpayed enough as it is, so why make things worse?

The naive argument in favour of using it is, that whilst there aren't too many people, they are all sure to buy a Parallax Next-Gen game. This sounds suspicious, and it is. It sounds like someone who publishes our games. It is not convincing, because too speculative.

So if you think you can convince us that it is fun and wise to engage in next-gen coding, contact us.

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